How to start shopping ?
When you find the goods that you like, just put it to your shopping cart and follow the sequence of our web system to buy
it. It is easy for you to make order online on our web site. Besides, you could buy the goods by other ways :
Tel : 886-5-2561523
Fax : 886-5-2562665
e-mail : services@just-tea.com.tw
Shopping Sequence
- When you put the goods to your shopping cart, the web site will show you the goods and total amount.
You could choice to continue or to checkout.
Note : When you remove the goods in the shopping cart, please remember to click the update button.
- When you would like to checkout, just check the goods and amount, then lick the checkout link.
- Input the your information.Now you should in the security page with ssl.
Please check the link of page is start in words https:// . If you have signed up in our web site, just press the e-mail and password.
Otherwise you need to sign up your informations. (include address, name, phone, e-mail and password)
- Check the address and shipment cost are correct. You could change your address here but you could only input new address
in your login page. Our web site support you to record 5 address.
You could see the shipment page
types of shipment
- Select type of payment. You could see the payment page
types of payment。
- If you want to use your reward points, please click the reward points square box.About reward points you could see the page
points help。
- At last,please check the goods and amount again and complete the payment sequence. Our web site will redirect you to the
payment gateway.