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Worldwide Orders are Accepted

We accept the international orders but the customers must pay the shipment cost. Our web system could show you the total shipment cost before you confirm the order online and you could decide if you want to buy our products. All goods is airlifted to foreign zone and we will inform you the tracking number before we send the goods to you. You could trace the goods online by tracking number and always the goods are delivered to you during 5 ~ 7 working days.

We Accept Orders From All Zones Below

Click here to show shipment cost

Note : The border words mean that which zones are delivered before.

  • Asia:
    United Arab Emirates,Bahrain,Brunei,Bhutan,China,Fiji,Guam,IndonesiaIsrael,India,Iran,Jordan,Japan,Kampuchea, Republic of Korea,Kuwait,Laos,Sri Lanka,Malaysia,Nauru,Oman,Philippines,Pakistan,Qatar,Saudi Arabia, Singapore,Syria ,ThailandTurkey,Vietnam,Yemen, Hong Kong ,Macao。
  • Europe And North America:
    United StatesCanada,Armenia,Austria,Azerbaijan,Belgium,Bulgaria,Belorussia, Switzerland ,Cyprus,Czech ,Germany,Denmark,Estonia,Spain,FinlandFrance ,Georgia,Greece ,Hungary,Ireland,Iceland, Italy,Kirghizstan,Kazakhstan,Lithuania,Luxembourg,Latvia,Malta,Holland,Norway,Poland,Portugal,Rumania , Russian Federation,Sweden,Slovenia,Slovakia ,Tadzhikistan,Turkmenistan,Ukraine,Uzbek, United Kingdom
  • Central America And Africa:
    Argentina ,Barbados,Brazil,Chile,Colombia,Costa Rica,Ecuador,Egypt,Guatemala,Honduras,Jamaica,Mexico,Panama,Puerto Rico ,Paraguay, El Salvador,Uruguay,Venezuela。
  • Oceania:
    Australia New Zealand
  • You could inform us if you are outside of these zones.

Time to The Zones

  • Asia:
    • China
      1. 深圳市,廈門市,東莞市,珠海市,廣州市,上海直轄市,北京直轄市:3~4 working days.
      2. 廣東省,福建省,南京市,昆山市,杭州市,寧波市,蘇州市,南海市,番禺市,福州市:4~5 working days.
      3. 無錫市,石家莊,紹興市,天津市,金華市,長沙市,武漢市,唐沽市,成都市,貴陽市,合肥市,南昌市,桂林市,南寧市,太原市,青島市,海口市,濟南市,長春市,吉林市,重慶直轄市:5~6 working days.
      4. 江蘇省,浙江省,河北省,湖北省,湖南省,貴州省,安徽省,江西省,廣西省,山西省,吉林省,四川省,海南島其餘各市鎮:6~7 working days.
      5. 以上未列名之省市縣鎮鄉:7~9 working days.
    • Hong Kong ,Macao:1~2 working days.
    • Japan,Singapore,Republic of Korea:2~3 working days.
    • India:4~5 working days.
    • Russia:5~7 working days.
  • Oceania:
    1. Australia,New Zealand:3~4 working days.
  • America:
    1. United States,Canada:4~5 working days.
  • Europe:
    1. Germany,United Kingdom,France,Finland,Belgium,Portugal,Switzerland ,Sweden,Norway,Holland,Luxembourg,Ireland,Greece ,Denmark:4~5 working days.
    2. Poland:4~6 working days.
    3. Hungary:5~7 working days.
    4. Italy:6~7 working days.
  • Other Zones : 3~10 working days.